Writeslike.us project meeting to generate ideas about the project approach

As a result of a recent meeting we have come up with the following  ideas in one way or another related to the Writeslike.us project. The meeting was all about ‘name disambiguation’.
First we discussed names: does the existence of two documents by an author or authors with the same name, but published in different places, indicate that there are two people with the same name? Or does this represent one author publishing with two publishers?
2 publications from one person -  does it mean 2 people (with the same name) or it is one person?

2 publications from one person - does it mean 2 people (with the same name) or it is one person?

The problem is unsolvable without additional information identifying the person. But for the case when this information is unavailable, there is a suggestion to apply pure statistics. In other words, evaluate for a testing (sample) data set what error level is linked to both possibilities – two different persons or one, just publishing in two places.

Then we switched to looking at practical methods to use within the Writeslike.us project, to identify individuals who write similarly or about similar topics.

Person identity dimensions + table organization for mapping

Person identity dimensions + table organization for mapping

This lovely diagram displays how the system we’re building will do the ‘magic’. Since none of the dimensions available to us are able to discriminate identity alone, we need to bring several onto the stage. The result will be an approximation incorporating evidence from several sources, which will hopefully make it more precise.

The table is just a representation of the way in which the heap of raw data will be mapped into something useful.

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